Before You Start Hiring, Get Your Sh*t Together


Confucius – “Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure”

As I’m sure you can imagine, when I googled “preparation quotes” there seemed to be countless. Everyone everywhere seems to be talking about the value of preparation, even as far back as Confucius 2,500 years ago. You’d think it would be hardwired into human beings by now. But sadly no.

Next month I will be celebrating my first work anniversary at Hudl (BOOYAH!). As that first year comes near, I think about my transition from agency to internal recruitment and its steep learning curve. I feel like my mindset has completely shifted and that I’ve become a more rounded Recruiter (though of course I still have a lot more to learn).

One of the key lessons from that learning curve? Before you start hiring, get your sh*t together. In other words, before you dive headlong into sourcing, advertising, interviewing and offering, ensure that all parties involved (Co-Ordinators, Recruiters, Hiring Managers, HR etc.) and on the same page.

Scar once said “be prepared”. And whether you’re an evil lion or a Recruiter, having a clear hiring process makes it easier to compare candidates which leads to better hires, improves internal communications and provides the candidate with a fantastic company experience (even if they don’t get the job).

This may sound incredibly obvious but I, embarrassingly, have dived into filling a vacancy without covering these basics and ultimately been stung down the road.

For example, last year a Hiring Manager came to me and said they need to hire 3 XXXXX’s. I asked briefly what they were looking for and went straight into sourcing and reaching out to potential candidates. I thought that if I could fill up the pipeline quickly with great candidates 1) everyone would think I am a super amazing Recruiter 2) we could figure out the rest of the hiring process as we go.

Both statements are false.

A smooth and stress-free hiring process is rarely undervalued by your colleagues and management. Always take time to understand the role in detail, develop a strong relationship with the hiring manager, communicate regularly and ensure that all details of the process are decided prior.

Here are some other helpful articles:

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